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Tuesday, 13 September 2016 16:43

Boccia Rožňava 2016 - fixtures in groups

Written by bashtosports.com

3rd Annual International Team Tournament in Integrated Boccia

On 16 September 2016 between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM, an international team tournament in integrated boccia will be held in the Town Sports Hall in Rožňava. The event, which will be held under the title “Boccia Rožňava 2016”, is organized as part of the Rožňava Town Days celebrations. The tournament is organized by the Rehamenta civil society organization in cooperation with BASHTO – a company which provides comprehensive services for players of boccia. Other co-organizers include the town of Rožňava and the Zeleného Stromu Joint Primary and Secondary Boarding School.

The tournament has received applications from 24 teams (each team consisting of 3 contestants) from 3 countries: Slovakia (19), Croatia (3) and Poland (2). The Slovak teams come from Rožňava, Dobšiná, Košice, Prešov, Stropkov, Spišská Nová Ves, Žilina, Ružomberok, Dolný Kubín, Banská Bystrica and Bratislava. There will be several home teams from Rožňava playing for the following organizations: CSO Rehamenta, Social Service Home Jasanima, Social Service Home Subsídium, the Rožňava Psychiatric Hospital, the Rožňava Diocesan Charity and CSO Barborka.

Boccia is a Paralympic discipline based on the principle of throwing balls towards a target. Boccia was primarily developed for people with severe physical disabilities who are not able to do play other parasport. Standard boccia is only played by those who have been authorized by a sports physician and meet the classification criteria for a physical disability.

On the other hand, integrated boccia is for everybody – whether they have a disability, be it physical, mental or social, or no disability at all. It is suitable for both men and women (there are no women’s or men’s categories – men and women compete together), seniors, children, etc. Integrated boccia has the amazing ability to blur the boundaries between disabled and healthy players. In this sport, the absence of a handicap does not guarantee victory.

We invite all sport lovers to come support our home teams and enjoy the atmosphere of an iBoccia tournament and its matches. The competition will take place on 7 playing fields. In the first half of the tournament, the teams will participate in group matches (8 groups with 3 teams in each). 16 teams (2 teams from each group) advance to the next round, where the competition continues in the form of a single-elimination tournament.

The contestants will be given lunch and refreshments. The winners of the tournament will be awarded with cup trophies modelled after the Rožňava Tower as well as medals and certificates.

Financial support of the tournament: Nadácia Poštovej Banky.
Media partners: Rožňava24, Maj Gemer, Infonoviny.sk, InfoRožňava.
Main organizers:
o.z. REHAMENTA: Mgr. Igor LADA - projektový manažér, tel: 0908481589, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.rehamenta.sk.
BASHTO: Mgr. Ondrej Bašták Ďurán, +421 949 737 543, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.parahry.sk.

Boccia Rožňava 2016 - Fixtures in groups - DOWNLOAD FIXTURES

Press release Boccia Rožňava 2016 - DOWNLOAD PRESS RELEASE

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Illustration photo of integrated boccia

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About us

Our company has been operating on the market since 2013 and is a manufacturer of professional sports equipment for disabled athletes with a focus on Paralympic sport - BOCCIA.

We supply our products to a number of subjects both in Slovakia and abroad.

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Nám. SNP 207

049 22 Gemerská Poloma, Slovakia

+421 949 737 543


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