There are up to 10 Boccia Ramp manufacturers in the world, each offering several models to choose from. Until now, the BASHTO SPORTS brand has been a world leader in the number of models on offer. Our developers have developed up to 6 different types of Ramps at prices ranging from 300 EUR for recreational purposes and for beginners to a professional exclusive one for 2,500 EUR.
However, our customers still come up with many different requirements for the parameters of their ramp. It is standard for us that we already have a choice of dozens of colors and their combinations, engraving the club logo, player name, or state flag, etc. However, top boccia players know exactly what they need...
Therefore, today we offer those interested, for example stable bases made of wood or steel, in various shapes, doubled and machined... We offer different inclination angles of the ramp, constructions for aiming by a lifted tip of the ramp or fixed without moving elements. We offer a large number of variations of individual types of ramps. Once we had a revolutionary idea. We decided to create the seventh model of the ramp. The BASHTO Variable Ramp...
Our idea is to offer BC3 boccia players a ramp, which they completely assemble themselves as Lego. In our e-shop we will create a 3D Boccia Ramp Configurator, through which each visitor will be able to choose components, shapes, materials and colors for all the main parts of the Ramp. Aluminum, wood, steel, carbon fiber? Narrow or wide? Blue or red? And what about red-blue with white details? All this will be possible ...
Already 18 months ago, we agreed on the details within the working team. We wrote and submitted the project. It was successful. We received a financial grant and from November 2020 we launched the first activities. We started experimenting and developing new parts and functional elements of the BASHTO Variable Ramp. You will be able to assemble and order it yourself in a clear 3D configurator at our e-shop in a year.
So don't forget. A new era in the development and production of Boccia Ramps is coming. It's called BASHTO Variable. In a year ...
PS: You can also see the attached document with detailed information about the project.
O projekte Variable.pdf
Friday, 11 December 2020 13:45
A new era in the development and production of Boccia Ramps
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Forget about the previous selection of Boccia Ramps. A new era is coming. The time is coming when you will be able to build your own unique Boccia Ramp that no one else has. A Ramp where you can choose the shapes, materials and colors of each part of it in 3D, online from the comfort of your home ...